Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Saturday :)

Hello everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful week end. Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I have been working on alot of stuff lately and just haven't gotten to take any pics of them. I have a baby book to do and a nursery rhyme book also for a friend of mine. Boy oh Boy... it seems like this month is just chocked full of things that I have to get done.
   Along with the 2 different books I have to get finished daughter is graduating ..we had to go to the college today and get her registered(which by the way, is still not done). Uggghhhh have to go back and take some papers that I wasn't aware that I needed. That is just about my luck lol.
  Also I have to try to squeeze in a graduation party for my daughter by the end of the week.. then add in 40 hours at work. I'm feeling stretched a little thin hehe.
  Soon as I get some pics taken, I promise I will share them with you



Jessica Buffa said...

Heya Robin...count to 10 slowly and take a lot of deep breaths. That is a LOT of things to have on your plate at once. Congrats to your daughter on Graduating and on College cool!
Hope all is well and don't stretch yourself too thin there girl!
Smilez & Hugs,

Jessica Buffa said...

love the new blog look !!! it is new right? LOL